Friday, December 28, 2012


graphic design schools in georgia
Image by jodigreen
at the grit. second time in a week someone's brought up barker's beauties in conversation with me, and i swear they were not called that in the seventies. they had real names, dianne, holly and i forget the other one. these beauties, of course, are kate, jessica and eric.

Sonali Sridhar
graphic design schools in georgia
Image by eyebeam
In 1998 I moved from Bangalore, India to Atlanta, Georgia to study Communication Design at the Atlanta College of Art. The transition from curry to BBQ was tough, but I soon learned the value of acclimation and tempered my studies with a healthy dose of Americana. At ACA, I focused my studies on graphic design and printmaking.

With a BFA in hand, and up for an adventure, I drove across the country to San Francisco, to work as a graphic designer. A few years later, I headed back across the country, this time to pursue a master’s degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, where I specialized in human/object interaction and sensory design.

I currently work as an Interaction Designer in New York, using web, print and mobile electronics to explore the connectivity and psychology of design. I also work with wearable technology, designing objects that interact with daily life, form addictions and provide comfort.

graphic design schools in georgia
Image by andorus
I think this came out better than the previous modeling attempt, but I still could do better. This was also snapped (hastily, as my camera batteries were about to die) for use in my design portfolio.

I got my start with traditional graphic design (as opposed to website design, which was what I'd mainly done up until then) by creating t-shirt designs for Georgia Tech's orchestra from 2001 onwards, and designed about 5 shirts throughout the years. (My very first design appeared on national TV, when our friend Will appeared on the casting call episode of season 2 of Beauty and the Geek!)

This was the design I created for fall 2004, my graduating semester. If you'll allow me a moment of vanity, this shirt was popular enough that a number of non-orchestra people started asking GTSO people how they could get their own, and years later, I still get a lot of compliments on it!

(Normally I don't look this surly...but I snapped this photo at a truly ungodly hour. It was a long, panicked night of hasty designing and collating of grad school application materials that I thought would only take ~2 hours to do but took closer to 8 instead.)

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