Saturday, January 26, 2013

IMTS staff, Ohio University's Alden Library, 1999

IMTS staff, Ohio University's Alden Library, 1999
distance learning graphic design
Image by Ohio University Libraries
IMTS Staff, L to R; front row: Dawn LaPorte, Peggy Sattler, Kate Nally Anderson; back row: Lars Lutton, Bob Frasch, Frank Carano, Richard Innes, Nancy Haddox, Robin Krivesti, Richard Post.

Part of 1999 project to document the various library departments for Alden Library's 30th anniversary. Each department had a group photo and description in the library newsletter.

Below is from the library's newsletter Intercom:

Instructional Media and Technology Services (IMTS)
IMTS, formerly Instructional Media Services, has been steadily growing since 1969. The original design for Alden Library included IMTS on the second floor, with the department reporting to different areas on campus during the past 30 years, reporting to Dean of Libraries starting seven years ago.

There are three parts to IMTS: the Media Library, Multimedia Production, and Equipment Distribution. Robin Krivesti, Media Resource Coordinator, and Nancy Haddox, her assistant, are responsible for the Media Library. In 1969, classroom viewing consisted primarily of rented films. Richard Post made it a goal some years ago to purchse titles wherever repeated use makes that the logical choice, continung to rent for single use. The collection will reach 10,000 titles before the end of this year, and exists to support curricular needs at the request of faculty.

Robert Frasch, the Equipment Distribution Manager, with the assistance of Frank Carano and Dawn LaPorte provide equipment support to 140 commonly scheduled classrooms. Each of these classrooms is equipped with overhead projectors and screens, a major thrust of the 1980's. Ninety of the classrooms with integrated data projection capabilities, already available in 23 classrooms. By providing permanently installed classroom equipment, the staff is able to serve larger numbers of classrooms.

Peggy Sattler the Graphic Design Manager, Richard Innis, Media Artist, Kate Nally, Multimedia Producer/Designer and Lars Lutton, Photographer, and two graduate students from the School of Visual Communications staff the Graphics and Multimedia Production unit. They provide instructional and research graphic design and production for faculty. Services include computer presentation and image creation, design, photography, scanning of art and photographic slides and text (OCR). IMTS has produced a number of CD-ROMS including several containing a collection of scanned images saved in several resolutions on CD-ROM for instructor use in the classroom. They have also prepared a variety of poster sessions for faculty, for conference presentation of research, and worked with faculty to develop web pages for instruction and assists in designing syllabus web pages.

Because the department deals with technology and equipment, it is constantly upgrading to meet classroom and faculty needs. Vision for the future of IMTS includes the continued goal of permanently equipping classrooms with appropriate digital technology, providing distance learning students with access, and assisting faculty in providing an optimum learning environment. This vision opens doors for students and faculty alike, and is the main focus of IMTS for the new millenium.

[List of employees, at that time, and start year]
David Prince (1969) [not pictured]
Richard Post (1972)
Robert Frasch (1978)
Lars Lutton (1978)
Peggy Sattler (1984)
Robin Krivesti (1987)
Nancy Haddox (1988)
Dawn LaPorte (1991)
Frank Carano (1995)
Richard Innis (1999)
Kathleen (Kate) Nally (1999)

Alden Library site:
See more historic images of Alden Library:

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